Recruiting film

Find the people who fit you and your company

Create your new recruiting video with us - for your employer branding

From the idea to the finished film. Communicate with your target group with authentic, emotional storytelling and present your company ideally to new applicants.

What is a
Recruiting Video?

Recruiting videos or recruiting films are used to convince potential applicants that you are the ideal employer. They are used in the area of employer branding, i.e. as a corporate strategy measure to present your company as a strong employer brand and to strengthen your branding.

They can be played out across social media (Instagram, LinkedIn, Xing, YouTube, etc.), on job platforms (in addition to your job ad), and on your website.

Frau vor Laptop, die fragend die Hände hebt

What are the advantages of a
Recruiting videos?

What do you need to
to design a recruiting video?

Before we start producing your recruiting film together, you should ask yourself the following questions:

Target group

Formulate your target group: Which applicants do you want to reach?

Target group

Formulate your target group: Which applicants do you want to reach?


Think about what you want to achieve with your video: Is it about external or internal employer branding?


Think about what you want to achieve with your video: Is it about external or internal employer branding?


What makes up your corporate culture? What sets you apart from the competition?


What makes up your corporate culture? What sets you apart from the competition?

Why you should implement your project with EMS Media Solutions?

Quite simple

Because we can. Our team consists of experienced producers, cinematographers, directors, editors and creatives who are always looking for new stories.

We also produce image films

What does a recruiting
film production exactly?

From brainstorming, to storyboarding, to shooting: We are at your side.

Idea generation

A recruiting film is a great way to get your own employees involved and work out as a team how current employees perceive their company. How would you describe the culture in the company? What do they like most about their work? What sets your company apart from others? Are there any offerings that they particularly value? What makes an attractive employer for them? You may be surprised by the answers from your employees’ points of view.

Preliminary talk and storyboard

In a relaxed preliminary discussion, we work out the core messages of the film together. If you already have a ready concept prepared, good. If not, even better, because then we can get creative together on how to give potential employees authentic insights and position you as an attractive employer at the same time. Interviews with employees are usually recommended here.


As soon as your individual concept is recorded in a storyboard, it’s time for production. While you take care of employees from your company who want to play in the video, we look for suitable locations and take care of the necessary equipment (camera, light, etc.). Then you can start with the video production.

Get in touch with us.